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What do you want to know?

Monday, August 07, 2006


The gathering on Sunday at the "Cheyenne House" was something I have been anticipating since the second we all waved good-bye to the McDaniel’s and walked out of the airport. What would this first gathering feel like? What will we do? As we talked throughout the week everyone agreed it would be mainly fellowship and maybe some worship and prayer, but we had no agenda.

Sunday afternoon rolled around and as people arrived the fellowship commenced and it was good…real good. The laughing, the stories, the connecting is something I really needed. I was content with the fellowship. Then we decided to do some worship, so we all gathered in the worship room and we began to worship. The worship itself was great. I felt bad for Jacqui and Kara who had to carry those of us who are “vocally challenged” through each song, but it was nice and so familiar; comfortable. As the worship continued my mind began to wander and churn and I found myself uncomfortable with the “non-organization” of it all. Will we always “just wing it” in our gatherings each week? Will we ever have an agenda? Will we ever “call” for group prayer time or will we just be “led by the spirit” if He leads that way? All of these questions began flying through my head and as we ended the evening without prayer time or any “organized” dismissal or proclamation that we were done for the evening, I began to panic! On the drive home I was confused about how I could be so content spending time with these people I love so dearly, yet feel so unsettled and feeling as if I was a “fish-out-of-water”. As my mind churned, the Lord began to answer my questions. He began to reveal the Aaron in me.

Exodus 32 tells the story about when Moses was on the mountain getting the instructions from God while Aaron was left behind with the people of Israel. When Moses did not come back right away, everyone began getting nervous and pressured Aaron into making a golden calf for them to worship. Aaron bowed to the pressure and made the idol. Now, I must confess, every time I hear this story I think “what are they tripping out about? Moses is on the mountain with GOD! He will be back, it is all cool! If I had been there, I would not freak out like that”. Needless to say, I am currently in a little more of a position to understand where they were coming from! The Lord has been showing me that these people had just been taken away from the only life they had ever known and led into the desert. Though it had been a life of slavery, it was still the only life they had ever known. It was their “comfort zone”. They had to wait in the desert for a leader they were not sure was even coming back and so, they began to panic and drift back to the things they knew and were comfortable with. Old habits and ways die hard! This is what I am discovering in my own life right now. I read Exodus 32 and I can relate to how Israel felt, I can identify with Aaron and the pressure he felt. I have been in organized church my entire life. I have been an ACTIVE youth worker for 9 years. I was a youth worker who poured HOURS of my life into the development and running of programs. Church and youth ministry are deeply ingrained in me; I never realized just how deep they are. The Lord is showing me that church and youth ministry has been my golden calf!

I NEED to be organized! I REALLY LIKE having a “game plan”. I am NOT a “fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants” type person. Organized church fit me like a glove because it has programs that need to be developed and run. I did that in the youth ministry and I liked it! Church has order and hierarchy. I like order, it keeps me calm, and it helps me to understand my role. Church is planned and laid out; all you need to do is find out where you fit. You are praised and encouraged for how hard you work and how much time and energy you sacrifice for the running of church. It is addictive for someone like me. So, this new life I have chosen; that God called me out of for a purpose that is unclear to me right now, is very hard. Weeding out the Aaron in me means I am trying to pull out the desire, the programmed need to “have a plan”, the programmed need to “know what is around the next corner”, the programmed need to approach my relationship with God by allotting specified amounts of time for worship, prayer and study of the Word, the programmed need to have an agenda when we gather on Sunday’s and the programmed need to know right now what “church” will look like for me and my family. These “programmed needs” have been fed, praised and encouraged for so long that it is clear now that God needs to “deprogram” me. Maybe that is why He is having me wait for direction right now. My desire to control everything needs to be broken down. Please pray for me that I will allow God to weed out the Aaron in me and teach me to wait PATIENTLY on Him for direction. It is amazing that even things that we TRULY do for God can so easily slip into sin. It was never my desire to make church an idol, but slowly; over time it can easily pop over the line. Sometimes we can be pulled back gently and sometimes God needs to yank us back hard. At least He cares enough to yank at all!


Blogger Susie said...

Vicki, thanks for being bold enough to put your thoughts down for all of us to chew on. I was feeling some of what you were feeling, and your writing has helped me to see things more clearly. Things I didn't even know I should be looking at. God is truly doing an amazing work in you, and that spills over to the rest of us. As iron sharpens iron...

4:14 PM  
Blogger Jacqui said...

No meetings...

Terrifying...or liberating?

I'm not sure either Vicki...but I'm very glad to be working it out with the group. Thank you for breaking this ice!

4:59 PM  
Blogger Richcrockett said...

me too.... i had many of your feelings. at some point i looked down at the kids singing and saw their joy and knew that for right now, in that moment, i was being obediant to Him through my praise and worship... sure the chaos was sorta nerve racking. i even wanted a more "reverent" feel to it all but realized that "it is what it is" and just let the spirit lead on this day. thanks again for sharing.

5:05 PM  
Blogger Michelle said...

I'm gonna be "raw". As I sat by the pool and watched the kids, I struggled with what I'm doing now vs. what I was doing then. Comparing, analyzing, greiving, worrying, etc.

I'm pretty much an underacheiver, my mind wants to do amazing things, my capabilities just can't keep up. So, this wasn't the first time I struggled with the question, "Am I any more effective without the structure of the church?"

Did this "gathering" have any more eternal significance than what I had been doing? But then I recalled what Rob Bell had said about just being in the moment. Here I was, looking at my journey to this spot, and looking to the journey after this spot, but not being right there. In that, I realized that each gathering will be different. This exact time will not be the same, ever. But, each time we experience this moment, it will shape what will come next. As I relaxed into the moment, I felt that God was showing me that He gave us these 40 days, to rest, to be restored, to allow Him to speak, to just BE. We have things to learn/unlearn, we need to empty out and be refilled, we need time to be together and alone. God prepared a place, and a community for us to work through this.

I, too, was disappointed with some of what happened (more of some of what didn't happen). But I saw glimpses of hearts and the children's desire to worship and share. I knew that I wouldn't miss BJ's party, and I should have planned more accordingly for that interuption rather than all of us scattering at the last moment to get there. But I think the each time we are together will be better, let's not lose sight of what the Provider has provided!

I love you all, and frankly, I need you all right now. I'm so blessed by just knowing that you are in my life!

9:48 AM  
Blogger CRASH-CANDY said...

Hey Vicki,

I am glad you shared this; it reminds me of when I went back to school.

I was taking "fundamentals of design" and, in my mind; I had to be on the ball. Since I was the oldest, I needed to be the wisest. I was one the "A" train towards 4.0!!!

I'll never forget when my teacher, Michael Geiger, (a crazy 70 year old German fellow who cussed up a storm)pulled me into the hallway and had a discussion with me. He could see that I was stressed about being perfect and wanting so badly to be in control of what was happening. He shared with me that you can't control art...if you do it becomes contrived/manipulated and without life. He said to me: "Candace if I had more time with you the place that I would begin teaching you is with how to breathe!" At first I was appalled and then I realized he was absolutely right! I needed to breathe, relax, let it happen around me and enjoy the experience.

Now when things get crazy around me I just take some deep breaths and smile.

I love you and give Jessica and Samantha a big hug from me!

1:13 PM  
Blogger Vicki said...

Thank you everyone! ALL of you have said valuable things that I need to hear.

Susie: I need you right now! You are my closest friend and the one I REALLY cannot lose right now. You and Mark are my only security right now and I thank God that you are here to grow with me through this.

Jacqui: We are different yet so alike! You are SO WISE and I value every word you speak to me. Thanks for always being straight with me.

Rich: Your faith and trust in God amazes me. I learn so much from you. Thank you for always demonstrating obedience and joy in the moment to me. I am still learning to do that.

Michelle:You and I are in such a similar position and I am so thankful we can all be going through this together. Like you, I need everyone right now so much. You are so awesome!

Candace: Again, your words are just so on the nose. I do need to learn to breath and be "in the moment". This is a HARD lesson for me, I am not wired that way. I hear what you are saying and they are words I need to hear and learn from. Thank you! I will give the girls a big hug from you. They really miss you guys and so do Steve and I. (Smiley face)

6:36 PM  

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