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What do you want to know?

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

It has been hard to read the blogs of my friends and hear them share their struggles. These are indeed hard times. For some of us it is financial for others it is spiritual and for others still it may be relational, but the reality is we are all going through something. God is stretching all of us in different ways and we can find some comfort in the fact that we are not alone in our challenges.

Today, my heart is heavy yet again. I don’t know about you, but I tend to go through phases. For a week or so everything will be good and things will appear they are ironing out, but then the next week things get hard again. I have gone for a good stretch of not being too concerned about anything, but I think I have a natural tendency to put blinders on at times and “disconnect” giving myself the illusion that everything is good. Today, the reality of where I am has resurfaced and the Lord wants me to, AGAIN, attempt to begin working through this. What is that reality? That reality can be summed up in a well known phrase: “I am like a fish out of water”.

This transition we have all been going through for several months now has been extremely difficult for me. On the one hand I know the choices I have made are correct and that is not the issue, the problem is where does God want me now? Anyone who knows me even a little bit knows that I don’t like change. I am not very adventurous and unlike the rhino who will charge ahead full speed even though he can only see a very short distance in front of him, I tend to panic when I do not know what is around the next curve. To further hammer this point across, I am not a roller coaster fan and I don’t like to be scared. I like familiarity, I like a plan and I would be content to live life in the same place and with the same people throughout my whole life. There has been so much change over the past several months that I am still feeling overwhelmed. I am desperately clinging to a season of my life that I don’t want to release. A year ago I was confident and I knew what I had been called to do. I was very comfortable with the people in my sphere of contact and what made it even better is that I loved them whole heartedly and it made the hours of work easier and I counted it as a blessing from God to have so much fun while serving Him.

To be perfectly honest with you, I have no idea where I fit in anymore. I have a new circle of friends and my walk with the Lord is taking me into completely new territory. I feel like I am walking through fog and cannot see even 5 feet in front of me. I have to start over and build new relationships and release the old comfortable ones. I feel completely loved and supported, but I feel like I have been hurled back to square one.

The development of the band as a new ministry outreach opportunity is awesome and in many ways I am very excited about it. However, I am entering a group of people that already have a history together. It seems like everyone but me has a solid connection with each other. Most of this group worked together before at FBC through the worship ministry and some of the ladies had an even deeper connection when the hiking group was in full swing. My only solid connection is with Mark and Susie (and my husband, of course). Not only do I need to start all over again with building new friendships and ministry relationships; I don’t have the musical connection the rest of the group has. I don’t play an instrument, I don’t sing well, I know nothing about bands, I don’t dance, I don’t act, I am completely out of my comfort zone. The group has graciously given me the one job where I KNOW what I am doing and that is the worker bee/gopher job. I know it is vital, important and well appreciated, but again it is new and I have not found my “groove” yet. Everything I was trained and nurtured in over the past 9+ years is just gone; I have nothing from that season of my life left. I feel exactly the way I felt 9+ years ago when I set foot in the VCS gym for my first Wednesday Night Youth program (Crossculture was still 2 years away from getting off the ground). I walked in and I was one of maybe 6 white people and every youth I encountered seemed to look right through me and not even see me. The only person I knew (and did not know well yet) was Joseph. I remember going home that night and literally crying and asking God if he was sure this was the ministry I was supposed to work in. I was scared and completely insecure. I don’t feel exactly like that now, but those memories of my first few months in the youth ministry have been floating through my mind a lot lately. So much of what I know and am confident with is finished. Joseph and Denise have been my mentors for almost 10 years now and once they are gone that part of my life is truly finished. I have relied on them so heavily for spiritual guidance and now I do not have that security to fall back on. Soon, I will need to let this old, comfortable friendship loose and begin opening myself up to allow new friendships to grow. In this new season of life and ministry I need to figure out where I fit in and what role I am supposed to play. I remember how much work it was when I first started in the youth ministry. It was hard and heart breaking at times. Lord, do I really need to start from square one again? It is so hard to let go of a past that is not only comfortable and familiar, but one that I LOVED!

I hope nobody gets the impression that I do not fully love all of you or that I am not looking forward to what the future holds for this group of friends and the new ministry we will do together. All of you are so amazing and I feel completely loved and accepted by everyone. I just feel like the new kid on the block. My mind is full of questions: where do I fit in? In what seems like a HUGE SEA of reasons I am so different from the rest of you, where is the common thread that will pull me in? Do I have ANYTHING to offer this group? Going from Joseph’s right hand person where I KNEW where and how I was needed back to square one has been very difficult for me. Letting the past go and looking forward with excitement to the future has been a struggle for me. The Lord showed me Luke 9:62 today and it says: But Jesus told him, “Anyone who puts a hand to the plow and then looks back is not fit for the Kingdom of God”. I have and still am looking back and I need to move on from this to be of any use to the Kingdom. I know what I need to do, but it is slow to materialize. My one hope is that I remember how scared and uncertain I was when I first became a youth worker and look how awesome that season was! The ministry was amazing and the friendship I built with Joseph, Denise and others are ones I treasure so much that it physically hurts me sometimes because I love them so much. My prayer is that with this new season we are going into, where I feel so out of place right now, it will grow into another season of amazing ministry and the building of friendships that can withstand anything. Please be patient with me as I begin to release the past and embrace the future. I am not fishing for complements or words of reassurance; this is just where I am right now. I love all of you and please keep me in your prayers.


Blogger Michelle said...

"I am entering a group of people that already have a history together. It seems like everyone but me has a solid connection with each other. Most of this group worked together before at FBC through the worship ministry and some of the ladies had an even deeper connection when the hiking group was in full swing.... Not only do I need to start all over again with building new friendships and ministry relationships; I don’t have the musical connection the rest of the group has. I don’t play an instrument, I don’t sing well, I know nothing about bands, I don’t dance, I don’t act, I am completely out of my comfort zone."

Vicki, I'm sure you're not the only one feeling this. As a matter of fact ~ I know you are not, because this describes what I feel every Friday before we leave to meet. "I'm not really part of this...the other couples have strong bonds together and we are just intruders....I don't have anything to offer, especially if we are just going to be a band...I'm not good at anything this group is doing...everyone else is forming bonds except for me..."

These are hard times and I'm not good at talking myself out of these feelings, so I'm not going to try to talk you out of them. But I do want you to know you are not alone, and you are valued. I value you, I envy what you have to offer. I think if we are patient and our desire is to be effective for God, then He will grant us peace about what we are doing, and will help us to stop focusing on what we are not doing.

12:30 PM  
Blogger Vicki said...

Thanks Michelle. I did not know you felt this way. I have always seen you as definitely in this group, especially the hikers. I guess we don't know as much as we think we know! (smiley face). We all have things to offer it is just figuring out where we fit in.

I hope I have not hurt anyone's feelings with this post, that was not my intent. This is just how I feel right now even if I am wrong in what I am seeing about where I fit in. The one thing I do know is that I may not know the group well yet, but I do love EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU very much and I desire to grow deep and close with each of you. it is just hard starting over and being in that vulnerable place again and testing the waters with each person and seeing who will let you in and who won't. Friendship is hard work, but it is worth it to have a meaningful friendship! I love you Michelle and I look forward to getting to know you better.

3:21 PM  
Blogger Susie said...

I am sensing that this may be something we should talk about as a whole group.

I right now see us much more as the group that meets and shares their hearts and lives on Friday night, (and all the in betweens) than I see us as a band. The band is an outgrowth of what we have already begun as we have met over the past several months. I would be completely bereft without either one of you in my life. It is about so much more than what we accomplish together as a group. It is about loving each other and being a part of each other's lives. Every one of us is crucial to that.

Vicki, I look for you at every band practice. Please don't think you are unnoticed sitting over at the table. I see you worshiping right along (perhaps more because you are unfettered by the need to concentrate on learning) with us, and I am GLAD you are there.

Michelle, I don't like that our rehearsal times conflict so much with your schedule. You and Sophie's absence is felt by me each and every time, and my heart aches for a way to figure that out.

Every single one of us, from oldest to youngest, is a vital part of this ministry and it is so important that we communicate how we are all feeling at any given point. We all are still struggling to find our place in things. Thank you both for sharing your hearts. I love you each so much!

6:32 PM  
Blogger Vicki said...

Absolutely Stephanie, it is just hard to start from scratch again, you know what I mean?

6:56 PM  
Blogger Tracy said...

Hey Vicki. Thank you so much for sharing your heart. Like you said, we are all being stretched, and we are not alone .... thank you God! We do have each other and I believe it is SO important that we be open and vulnerable with each other like you have allowed with this post.

You mentioned having to start over and build new relationships and being hurled back to square one and I know it totally feels like that. I feel like that most of the time too...having to get out of our "comfort zone". Its hard. And yet, as I further reflect on this, God is so good. We don't have to "start over" which it feels like because He has grown us so much. This new season that is beginning is picking up right where we left off. We don't have to go backwards only foward and this is where He wants to take us. Deeper relationships, deeper honesty, deeper vulnerability, deep calling to deep. Even as I post this, it triggers much emotion for me. Very few get to see the deep recesses in my soul, myself included, but the time is now; we are taking it to the next level; and I am so honored to be taking it with ALL of you.

Thanks for opening this door, Vicki. May we ALL continue to grow deeper.

9:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seems you ladies are on to something here. I too am a band widower, I often was at home watching kids while the band was out playing. I am a bit out of place as well, not to mention I don't really like people so it is a bit easier for me :-)

1:46 PM  
Blogger Vicki said...

Keith, you are so funny. We all have some stuff to work through. Let's just stick together okay?

4:47 PM  
Blogger Diane said...

Hey Vicki,

Like you I am not musically inclined. I think I feel a lot like you do. I haven't been to any of those band practices because I didn't really see where I fit in. Jacqui did ask me the other day if I would come to the next one just to connect with the group. Wow!! reading this today makes me realize that this is really more than just playing music. Seems like I need to be there so that we can lift each other up and build a real relationship. Us "band widows" as Keith put it, need to stick together.

So I will see you tonight.

3:09 PM  
Blogger Susie said...

So glad you came last night, Diane!

12:53 PM  
Blogger Susie said...

Crystal, because of space constraints, (everything happens in the Crockett living room) we pretty much have to limit practices to band and family members, but we will start taking it out beginning Tuesday at Merriment on Main, so I definitely hope we will see you there!

1:58 PM  
Blogger Crystal Castillo said...

Father God, there have been so many changes. These past months have felt like a lifetime. Things have and are happening so fast that we look back and wonder, was any of it real. Was any of what we loved, valued, defined ourselves by and treasured really real. Our souls are aching. We know you said in your word that you're changing everything. That you will shake everything that can be shaken until nothing that can be shaken remains. All that is left is who we genuinely are in you. And at times we question is that even enough? We know that our place is in you but sometimes the pain is so overwhelming that it can be hard to even see you, let alone feel you. And yet.... You are right there. Please comfort Vicki and all of us. We know that You are our place and that wherever you go You have already reserved a place for us. If only we could see it. If only we could believe it. Please Lord. Begin to clear away the Fog of Pain and Fear hovering around us and leave a clearing just big enough (maybe the size of a man's hand)to peek through and still see you. We Love You Lord. We Trust You Lord. We Praise You Lord. We Need You Lord. In Jesus Name.

2:41 PM  

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